Saturday, August 30, 2008

American's Largest Wireless Network Provides Support for Gulf Coast Customers

Alltel Wireless, with American's Largest Network, Provides Support for Gulf Coast Customers as Hurricane Gustav Approaches

Network teams in place to support customer communications

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-- August 30, 2008 --Alltel Wireless, with America's largest network behind it, is continuing to provide digital service to customers across the Gulf Coast as Hurricane Gustav approaches the area. The company has network crews in place throughout the region ready to provide reliable network coverage when the hurricane makes landfall. The crews are prepared to respond to any weather-related emergencies that might threaten communications services in coastal states.

"Alltel takes very seriously our responsibility to ensure our customers stay connected to friends and family during Hurricane Gustav," said Chris Smith, executive vice president of network services for Alltel. "Alltel has made significant investments in its wireless network to improve coverage and reliability, and we have once again taken all the necessary steps to prepare for Gustav."

Earlier today, the company began closing retail stores in south Louisiana to support evacuation efforts. The following closings were announced through Monday:

    * 1043 West Tunnel Blvd. in Houma, La.; 1818 Manhattan Blvd. in Harvey, La.; 2701 N. Causeway Blvd. in Metairie, La.; 1000 W. Esplanade St. in Kenner, La.; 9424A Three Rivers Road in Gulfport, Miss.; 808 Highway 190, Suite B in Covington, La.; and 1302 Corporate Square in Slidell, La.

Alltel will continue to monitor the storm through its command center operations so that it can respond quickly and effectively with manpower, generators and equipment to keep customers in communication with friends and family once Gustav makes landfall.

Alltel also works to help customers in hard-hit areas. All other retail stores will remain open as long as possible. Stores that are closed will reopen as soon as conditions permit to allow customers access to phone chargers and batteries. Alltel opens mobile retail stores in particularly hard-hit areas.

Network preparations to this point:

    * Secured agreements with vendors to provide fuel to keep trucks and generators running.
    * Placed generators on standby in hurricane-prone areas, and tested on-site backup generators for readiness in case of a power outage.
    * Prepared to provide lodging, RVs, food and water for technicians working in storm-hit areas.

Customers can prepare for Gustav by:

    * Verifying that wireless phones are working properly.
    * Programming wireless phones with emergency contact numbers.
    * Making sure wireless phone batteries remain fully charged.
    * Keeping additional charged batteries on hand along with car chargers. Phones, batteries and chargers should be kept in dry, easily accessible areas.

In addition, once Gustav makes landfall, customers should consider:

    * Using Text Messaging instead of trying to place a call.
    * Limiting non-emergency calls, whenever possible.
    * Waiting 10-15 seconds before dialing again if a call fails to go through.
    * Using their camera phones to record damage for insurance purposes.

Alltel is owner and operator of the nation's largest wireless network and has more than 13 million wireless customers.

Alltel Wireless
Andrew Moreau, 501-905-7962
Vice President - Corporate Communications
Scott Morris, 501-905-4094
Manager - Corporate Communications

Medical and Practice Management Suite Client/Server Receives CCHIT Certification

LSS Data Systems' Medical and Practice Management (MPM) Suite Client/Server 5.54 Receives 2007 CCHIT Certification

Software Complies with 100 Percent of Updated 2007 Certification Criteria

EDEN PRAIRIE, minn.-- July 02, 2008 --The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT®) announced yesterday that LSS Data Systems' product Medical and Practice Management (MPM) Suite Client/Server 5.54 is CCHIT Certified®, and meets the Commission's ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) criteria for 2007. Ambulatory EHRs are designed for physician offices and clinics where most Americans get their healthcare. CCHIT - an independent, nonprofit organization - is the Recognized Certification Body in the United States for certifying health information technology products.

In the second year of the program's operation, the criteria and testing have been significantly enhanced. The Commission added 96 criteria to the 151 original requirements from last year. Medical and Practice Management (MPM) Suite Client/Server 5.54 has been tested and passed inspection of 100 percent of a set of updated criteria for functionality, interoperability and security.

"For 2007, the Commission raised the bar from the previous year's criteria. Ambulatory EHRs now must include electronic prescribing, demonstrate an ability to receive lab results, and show enhanced patient safety, quality, and security features," said Mark Leavitt, M.D., Ph.D., chair, CCHIT. "Investment in 2007 certified ambulatory EHRs gives providers even more powerful tools to improve quality, safety and efficiency while protecting the privacy of health information."

The CCHIT Certified mark - a "seal of approval" for EHR products - provides the first consensus-based, government-recognized benchmark for ambulatory EHR products. By looking to products with the CCHIT Certified seal, physicians and other providers can reduce their risk in selecting an EHR product, allowing them to focus their evaluation on the special needs of their practices.

"This certification illustrates our ongoing commitment to provide the highest quality software for our customers. CCHIT certification is definitely something our customers value," said Bill Schmidt, Vice President of Sales & Corporate Development at LSS Data Systems. "We are delighted with the achievement of this milestone. We take pride in the strength of our products and the foundation of our seamless integration with MEDITECH to create one electronic health record across the health care enterprise."

LSS customer Parkview Adventist Medical Center, based in Brunswick, ME, recently updated to MPM Client/Server Version 5.54. "We congratulate LSS for 2007 certification of the MPM Suite," said Bill McQuaid, Chief Information Officer at Parkview. "One of Parkview's main approaches to care involves utilizing state-of-the-art technology to provide the highest quality care. It is important to us to use products which we know meet and exceed industry benchmarks."

CCHIT's certification compliance criteria and its design for a certification inspection process have been thoroughly researched, taking into account the state of the art of EHRs and available standards, and comparing certification processes in other industries and other countries. The inspection process is based on real-life medical scenarios designed to test products rigorously against the clinical needs of providers and the quality and safety needs of healthcare consumers and payers. One script, for example, recreates a scenario of an elderly man with poorly controlled diabetes, hypertension and other chronic conditions in order to test EHR functions such as potential adverse drug reactions, disease management and treatment plans.

About LSS Data Systems

LSS Data Systems, a MEDITECH partner founded in 1982, develops clinical, financial and administrative solutions for medical practice groups, healthcare delivery systems and clinics across the United States and internationally. Together with MEDITECH, LSS has developed the Medical and Practice Management (MPM) Suite, a full-featured ambulatory care solution that integrates physician practices and clinics with MEDITECH's Health Care Information System. The MPM Suite includes an ambulatory Electronic Health Record with prescribing/ordering, physician documentation, scanning, scheduling, billing and financial management tools. For more information please visit


The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT®) is an independent, nonprofit organization that has been named by the federal government as the Recognized Certification Body for health information technology. Its mission is to accelerate the adoption of health information technology by creating a credible, sustainable certification program. The certification requirements are based on widely accepted industry standards and involve the work of hundreds of expert volunteers and input from a variety of stakeholders throughout the health care industry. More information on CCHIT and CCHIT Certified® products is available at

"CCHIT®" and "CCHIT Certified®" are registered marks of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology.

LSS Data Systems
Megan Salmela, 952-941-1000
Sue Reber, 503-703-0813

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Industry Makes Request to Decrease Asbestos Regulations

The :en:headquarters of the :en:United States ...

LegalView Offers Mesothelioma Blog Readers Details of Disconcerting Request to Decrease Asbestos Regulations from Industry

LegalView informed mesothelioma blog readers of an potentially troubling request by automotive, chemical and mining industries' paid researchers to "water down" asbestos regulations. The industry-hired scientists argued that asbestos is no longer as dangerous, even though several international health organizations have declared no safe level of the material.

Denver, CO - August 2, 2008 -- LegalView, the number one resource for everything and anything legal on the Internet, recently updated readers with the latest piece of mesothelioma information, relating to the request by paid researchers for the automotive, chemical and mining industries to decrease asbestos regulations. In a July 2008 summit in Washington D.C., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) met with the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency regarding the request. The industry researchers argued that asbestos fibers found in sand, taconite and other materials are less toxic than originally deemed in the 1980s when the regulations were created. However, the EPA along with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and The World Health Organization (WHO) have all determined that no level of exposure to asbestos fibers is safe and the material as well as products using asbestos should be permanently banned.

Asbestos was mined for years and was frequently used in the construction industry for an array of products, most often insulation. However, it was determined that exposure to asbestos fibers causes a deadly form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma. Individuals who suffer from mesothelioma cancer should contact an experienced mesothelioma attorney to receive a legal consultation on the possibility of developing a personalized mesothelioma lawsuit. Because the cancer is fatal and no completely effective mesothelioma treatment exists to reduce the disease it may be important to develop litigation and potentially receive monetary compensation to pay for costly medical bills. Mesothelioma is a dormant condition that can take decades before symptoms reveal themselves, at which point, little can be done to improve the illness.

According to news reports, at the Washington D.C. summit, approximately 83 public health officials signed a 29-page report on the "science-for-hire" practice, which Dr. Michael Silverstein, who wrote the report, alleges is occurring on the part of automotive, chemical and mining industries. The report, opposing the request, urged the EPA to focus on public health rather than big industry and to avoid decreasing the asbestos regulations.

Learn more about this ongoing issue as well as other legal issues through LegalView continues to maintain a comprehensive library of legal issues; issues that may be causing harm to millions of Americans each year. LegalView recently updated several of its issues to include detailed information and news. Some of the recently updated sites include information on the Zimmer Durom cup, the Ketek antibiotic and Avandia prescriptions.

The Durom cup, manufactured by Zimmer Holdings, is an artificial hip component that has been under fire by physicians who have said the device is failing their patients. Because of the alleged Zimmer Durom cup risks, the company has ceased manufacture of the hip socket. However, since production began in 2006, nearly 12,000 patients received the cup and may be affected by the failing hip socket and should contact a knowledgeable attorney for advice about the potential Durom cup recall.

Ketek is a pharmaceutical prescription antibiotic that is used to treat upper respiratory infections including pneumonia or bronchitis. Reports have tied the antibiotic with the possibility of severe liver damage among patients. Additional Ketek side effects may also be considered dangerous and those who report signs of yellowing skin or jaundice should consult a doctor immediately

The Avandia portal is continually being updated to provide the public with extensive research, scientific findings and experienced attorney links. Avandia is a prescription drug used to treat type 2 diabetes, which currently affects millions of individuals in the United States. Recent research, however, has found a disturbing link between the use of Avandia and an increase of heart disease as well as osteoporosis among patients. Individuals who feel they may have symptoms relating to heart disease or who have suffered from a bone fracture likely induced by the Avandia side effects, should speak with a medical expert immediately. Additionally, it is advisable to locate an experienced pharmaceutical law firm in case legal advice is necessary for an Avandia settlement.

About LegalView: is a public service brought to you by Legal WebTV Network, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation created by a group of the nation's most highly respected law firms: Anapol Schwartz; Brent Coon and Associates; Burg Simpson; Cohen, Placitella and Roth; James F. Humphreys and Associates; Lopez McHugh; and Thornton and Naumes. For more information on the accomplishments and track records of's superior sponsoring law firms and to get in touch with LegalView attorneys, visit LegalView at

Katie Kelley

Alan Haburchak

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Bonds Outlook Stable

Fitch Upgrades Cape Regional Medical Center's (NJ) Bonds to 'A'; Outlook Stable

NEW YORK-- August 11, 2008 --Fitch Ratings has upgraded the $23.5 million outstanding New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority revenue bonds (Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, Inc. Issue), series 1999 to 'A' from 'A-'. The Rating Outlook is Stable.

The rating upgrade to 'A' is based on Cape Regional Medical Center's (Cape Regional; formerly Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, Inc.) excellent liquidity and light debt burden as well as improved operations over the last 3 1/2 fiscal years. At fiscal year end Dec. 31 2007, Cape Regional had days cash on hand (DCOH) of 273.1 days and cash to debt of 301.9%, both well above Fitch's 'A' category medians of 185.2 DCOH and 111.6% cash to debt. Additionally, Cape Regional defeased its 1991 series bonds in fiscal 2007.

Maximum annual debt service (MADS) on the remaining series 1999 bonds is $2.1 million, which is $1.2 million lower than previous MADS. Pro forma debt service coverage in fiscal 2007 was a strong 6.2 times (x), above Fitch's 'A' category median of 4x, and the cushion ratio was 33.3x, more than double Fitch's 'A' category median of 15.4x. Unaudited results for six months ended June 30, 2008 show MADS coverage of 5.5x and a cushion ratio of 31.4x.

In addition to Cape Regional's strong liquidity and light debt burden, operations over the last 3 1/2 fiscal years have continued to improve. Since fiscal 2005, Cape Regional has improved operations with positive operating margins two out of the last three years and positive excess margins in all three years. Cape Regional ended fiscal 2007 with a 0.6% positive operating margin and a 5% positive excess margin ($5.6 million in total excess income). Further indication of the operational turnaround has been the improvement to Cape Regional's operating EBITDA margin and EBITDA margins. Cape Regional's Operating EBITDA and EBITDA margins have averaged 7.5% and 11.2%, respectively, from 2005-2007 compared to 5.3% and 7.3% from 2002-2004.

The Stable Outlook is based on Cape Regional's continued market dominance, lighter debt burden, and Fitch's belief that Cape Regional will be able to sustain the current operating performance. Cape Regional enjoys a 72% market share in its primary service area as its nearest competitor is more than 20 miles away. This market dominance helps to offset concerns about Cape Regional's small revenue size for the rating category. Ongoing credit concerns include Cape Regional's rising bad debt expense and vulnerability of revenue stream given the seasonality of admissions.

Fitch does not anticipate Cape Regional issuing additional debt over the next few years. A prior credit concern of Fitch's had been the hospital's capital needs. Management has begun increasing capital spending, including a $2.2 million renovation of inpatient rooms. Capital expenditures as percentage of depreciation increased to 217.4% in fiscal 2007 from 66.2% in fiscal 2006; Fitch's 'A' category median is 155.8%. Given Cape Regional's operational turnaround, Fitch anticipates that over the medium term the hospital will be able to continue to fund capital projects from cash flow and philanthropy without the need to issue debt.

Fitch believes that Cape Regional will be able to sustain current levels of operations. Cape Regional has significantly lowered its length of stay over the past few years, from 4.9 days in fiscal 2004 to 4.3 days in fiscal 2007, started a hospitalists program, had strong physician recruitment, and established an affiliation with University of Penn Health System for oncology and cardiology, which has improved cardiology coverage at the hospital. These programs should help sustain operating margins over the medium term. While Cape Regional has a negative 0.8% margin for the first six months of fiscal 2008, it showed bottom line profitability with a 3% excess margin, and is ahead of budget heading into the busy tourist season. Management indicated that the volume numbers from the first two months of the season, June and July, have been strong.

Cape Regional is a 242-licensed (208 operated) bed facility located in Cape May County off exit 10 on the Garden State Parkway, approximately 45 miles south of Atlantic City. Cape Regional, with total revenue of $107.5 million in fiscal 2007, is part of the Cape Regional Health System, which includes a foundation, and Cape Regional Health Enterprises, which houses a small management services organization. Cape Regional covenants to provide annual and quarterly disclosure to bondholders. Disclosure to bondholders has been good, including quarterly income statement, balance sheet, cash flows, utilization, and management discussion and analysis.

Fitch's rating definitions and the terms of use of such ratings are available on the agency's public site, Published ratings, criteria and methodologies are available from this site, at all times. Fitch's code of conduct, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, affiliate firewall, compliance and other relevant policies and procedures are also available from the 'Code of Conduct' section of this site.


Fitch Ratings, New York
Eric Espino, 212-908-0574
Gary Sokolow, 212-908-9186
Media Relations:
Cindy Stoller, 212-908-0526

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bond Insurance in a Changing Market

The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Teleconference & Webinar on Bond Insurance in a Changing Market and Regulatory Environment: What to Expect

New York, NY, June 20, 2008 -- The Knowledge Congress, the leading producer of regulatory focused teleconferences and webinars, announced today that it has scheduled a live teleconference and webinar on Bond Insurance in a Changing Market and Regulatory Environment: What to Expect. This two-hour event is scheduled on Tuesday, July 1, 2008, at 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EDT - New York).

Bond insurance companies are being monitored by a number of investment firms to make sure they can sustain any loss brought about by collateralized debt obligations with high-risk mortgage-backed securities. Issuers and borrowers should examine bond transactions that are tax-exempt as a precautionary measure in case a downgrade occurs. It is also important in examining agreements entered into by issuers and in case there is a need in changing credit and liquidity support bonds secured by a letter of credit. Non-profit organizations that are classified as bond issuers or conduit borrowers should take note of this issue so that preventive measures may be taken if necessary. The Knowledge Congress has assembled a panel of distinguished experts to help make these policies clear to the organizations most impacted. The panel will present their findings, which include "best practice" panel, and a question-and-answer segment enabling the audience to interact directly with the faculty in a two-hour teleconference and webinar.

Speakers/Faculty Panel

Steven A. Chamberlin, Manager, Tax Exempt Bonds, Compliance & Program Management, Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Michael Moriarty, Deputy Superintendent for Property and Capital Markets, New York State Insurance Department

Michael J. Schozer, President, Assured Guaranty Corp.

Margaret Purcell, Executive Director, National Tax Exempt Organization Group, Ernst & Young LLP

Valerie Pearsall Roberts, Partner, Jones Day

For updated list of the faculty panel, please visit:

About The Knowledge Congress

The Knowledge Congress is an organization that produces teleconferences and webinars that examine regulatory changes across a variety of industries. "We bring together the world's leading authorities and industry participants through informative two-hour teleconferences and webinars that study the impact of changing regulations and help businesses succeed through proper regulatory compliance."

Contact Information
The Knowledge Congress
Thomas LaPointe, Jr., Executive Director
Therese Lumbao, Director
Account Management & Member Services

Families Informed About Insurance Coverage With Medical Reimbursement Resource

Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC of Houston Helps Families Stay Informed, Choose Right Insurance Coverage

Company Educates Consumers of Medicare Part C Advantage Plan Enrollment Period Deadline - March 31, 2008

Houston, TX  -  March 12 -- Medical Reimbursement Resource (MRR) LLC, a leading patient advocacy company in Houston, advises the Medicare community of March 31st Medicare Part C enrollment deadline and helps educate consumers on the best health insurance choices for their situation.

MRR professionals explain that the Medicare program is a federal program that helps senior citizens and other qualifying individuals pay for health care. Divided into parts, A, B, C, and D, Part C is an alternative to Parts A and B. Under Part C, private health
insurance companies can contract with the federal government to offer Medicare benefits through their own policies.

"Medicare Part C Advantage Plans are not for everyone. Generally the choice of providers is more limited than with traditional Medicare Parts A & B. Individuals with
special health problems and working with physicians that are important to them are recommended to remain on Medicare Parts A and B," said MRR owner Jane Lehto.

"However, it's great to have another insurance option available for Medicare beneficiaries. This is where Medicare Part C comes in," Lehto added.

Lehto and her staff help clients
choose the right insurance coverage and receive all benefits to which they are entitled under their particular policy. With over 40 plans from which to choose in Texas, it is an often difficult process through which to navigate for the unknowing consumer.

Lehto further explained that the type of candidates qualifying for the Medicare Part C, particularly the Medicare Part C Advantage Plus plan, would be those in
fragile health and on fixed incomes. The relatively new plans include either HMO's or PPO's and come with modest premiums. A vast number of physicians and hospitals participate in the plans.

"And effective this past January is the option for those switching from Medicare Parts A and B to return to their plans for whatever reason during the enrollment period from November 15 through December 31, 2008," said Lehto.

MRR also assists
patients and their families with problem health insurance claims and medical bills, benefit issues, along with insurance choices and a myriad of issues that the consumer faces in today's challenging and complex insurance world. To learn more about Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC, call 1-713-526-0955 or log onto today.

Press Contact: Philip O'Hara
Company Name: Medical Reimbursement Resource LLC 
Texas Phone: 713-526-0955